E-Props is a French aviation manufacturer that specializes in producing carbon fiber propellers for light aircraft. Here is some information based on the provided web search results:
According to their website, E-Props has been producing “the lightest propellers in the world” since 2008, and offers over 4,500 models for all types of paramotors. Their propellers are made from 100% carbon fiber, making them both ultra-lightweight and high performance.
E-Props was originally known for producing electric propulsion systems for light aircraft, but has since shifted its focus exclusively to producing carbon fiber propellers. The company is based in Vaumeilh, France, and specializes in the non-certified light aviation sector.
E-Props has a wide range of products, including models designed for engines ranging from 30 to 150 horsepower. One popular model is the Excalibur, which is made from 100% carbon fiber and is known for its ultra-smooth performance. The Evolution Trikes website notes that Larry Mednick, the founder of Evolution Trikes, is a fan of the Excalibur and has spoken with Dan Johnson about its benefits.
In summary, E-Props is a French aviation manufacturer that produces carbon fiber propellers for light aircraft. They have been in operation since 2008 and offer a wide range of propeller models for all types of paramotors. E-Props is known for producing “the lightest propellers in the world,” and their products are designed for high performance and ultra-smooth operation. While they were once known for producing electric propulsion systems, the company has shifted its focus entirely to propeller production.